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What to expect with stoma surgery

What can you expect to happen before and just after your ostomy surgery.

Before you leave for surgery

Be sure to get plenty of rest before your surgery date, as your body will need energy to recover. It might also be a good idea to pack some loose-fitting clothes to wear when you leave the hospital again so that you feel comfortable. 


Finding the right stoma site

Your stoma nurse will, together with you, choose the best location for your stoma. It's important that it fits to your normal lifestyle, allowing you to move, bend and turn, free from restrictions. 

Talk about the stoma site with your stoma nurse, and when the location has been marked, try to check and if you can see and reach it comfortably. If it feels very awkward, you may want to talk to your stoma care nurse about possible alternatives. 


Waking up right after surgery

As you wake up after the operation, you will probably be tired and a little disoriented. Try to remember that you are in very good hands and will have close guidance every step of the way. 

You will already be wearing your first 'pouch'. Most likely this will be see-through, allowing the nurses to check it easily. If you prefer, you will soon be able to change to one that is not see-through. 


Don’t be alarmed by the tubes and drains

You could also have various tubes and drains attached to your body. While it might look a little overwhelming, this is just part of the normal post-operative procedure. Your nurse will be able to explain what all of the equipment is if you are concerned. 

You may have an IV attached in order to give you pain relief, or sometimes they can be giving you fluids that you need until you are well enough to drink normally. Any drains will be there to remove fluid/ blood that are left over from the surgery. These will all be removed before you go home. 

Adjusting at home

When it is time for you to leave the hospital, it is a good idea, if possible, to make arrangements with friends or relatives to be available for support in the first few days after your coming home. 

While in hospital, you will receive training from your stoma care nurse. But if possible, it is often helpful to involve your partner or another close relative in the training. This will make it easier to continue your training at home. 

When will the stoma begin to work?

Colostomy and Ileostomy

Within a few days, your stoma will begin to work. At first, the output will be quite watery, and there could be strong smells and some noisy wind from the stoma because your bowel has been inactive for a while. This will settle as you get up and about and start eating more again. 

In the beginning, you might feel a need to go to the toilet as you did before – but the urge will disappear over time. If your anus is still present there may be some mucus discharge from it. 


Your stoma will begin to work immediately after your urostomy operation. The tubes that will be placed in the urostomy will be left until everything functions normally, usually after seven to ten days. 

Your urine could be quite red at first, but don't be alarmed – it will soon return to its usual colour. There will likely also be mucus in the urine from your stoma; this is simply part of the 'lining' of the intestine and is nothing to worry about.