I can sleep better, because I don`t have to look at the time.
A leak outside the stoma bag can be tough to manage, and in some situations can be described as humiliating. For some – the anticipation, or worry, of a leak is worse than the leak itself. We know that as many as 92% people with a stoma worry about leaks1.
This can lead to sleep issues, constant changing and checking of bags, and social withdrawal.
Heylo puts people in control and works by detecting leaks and notifying the user before they have chance to get outside of the baseplate.
If you would like to know more about Heylo, you need to get in touch with your Stoma Care Nurse and they will be able to discuss if Heylo is suitable for you.
Remember, Heylo is for people with an ileostomy, or colostomy with liquid or mushy output and is compatible with most baseplates and supporting products.
I can sleep better, because I don`t have to look at the time.
My whole life has changed. I even bought myself a white dress.
With Heylo the fear that there are leakages is completely gone for me. I am much more relaxed and no longer worried about leakage in my daily life.
Place it on a flat surface with the release liner facing up. Peel off the release liner on your baseplate.
Press the sensor layer down firmly. Circle around the sensor layer firmly to ensure secure adhesion to your baseplate.
Carefully remove the sensor layer release liner, and apply your appliance as you would normally, to clean, dry skin. Please be aware that the sensor layer must be applied to intact peristomal skin.
Insert the connector flap into the transmitter opening and slide it on firmly. Press down on the transmitter lid to fully close it with a soft click.
You’re ready to connect to the Heylo app. Heylo will now keep you informed of any signs of leakage.
While Heylo is compatible with most baseplates and accessories, we will clarify your compatibility in the call that you will receive after you have requested Heylo.
The “arm” of the sensor layer can point in any direction. Choose the direction that suits you best. When positioning, consider scars, wrinkles, or your belly button.
Heylo is discreet and lightweight. You can adjust it to sit in the direction that suits you best, even beneath your underwear.
The Heylo sensor layer can be worn in any situation in which you normally wear your ostomy appliance. However, it is recommended that you remove the transmitter before swimming, bathing or showering. If your transmitter or the contact point of the sensor layer comes into contact with water, you should dry both thoroughly.
When you are ready to dispose of the ostomy product, just un-click the re-useable Heylo transmitter and remove the sensor layer, together with the baseplate, from the skin. The sensor layer is designed for single use and can be disaposed of as normal along with your ostomy product.
The transmitter lasts 2-3 days after 2.5 hours of charging.
7.2 grams.
Your transmitter relies on Bluetooth to communicate with your smartphone. This means that you need to keep your phone’s Bluetooth turned on and keep your phone nearby to stay informed. Bluetooth connection can be disrupted by distance, thick walls, or the presence of too many other Bluetooth connected devices.
In the top left corner of your ‘Status screen’ there is a Bluetooth symbol. The symbol is turquoise when your phone and transmitter are connected. The symbol is grey if connection is lost.
Allowing location access can help improve your connection.
Your transmitter must be charged in order for you to stay informed. You can charge your transmitter fully within 2.5 hours. A full charge will last about 2-3 days.
You can control Heylo notifications as usual using the volume settings on your smartphone. At night you can use the “Sleep” mode. Then you will only be notified if a leak is detected on the outer sensor ring or if the system no longer works correctly. You can set the tone and interval of the notification in advance. With this mode, unlike Do Not Disturb mode, you will continue to receive notifications from Heylo.
Your privacy is very important to us. Heylo requires access to your location so that your transmitter can send its location to your smartphone if the connection is lost. This means it can then reconnect seamlessly. For more information, see “Location sharing instructions” in the Heylo app. Coloplast does not track your location.