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How to manage bladder issues at work

Do you work to live or live to work? No matter which category you belong to, most of us spend many hours a day at our workplace. That’s why it’s very important to us that we have nice colleagues, a good boss, a positive working environment – and time to visit the bathroom!


Meetings can be stressful – especially long ones. If you chair them, you can set aside time for short breaks – the other participants will probably appreciate 5 minutes to stretch their legs or to get a drink. If you are a participant yourself, it can be inappropriate just to leave during the meeting. Catheterise just before the meeting and suggest one or more breaks to the chairperson. Again, most people will welcome your suggestion. 

Business travels or courses

Even with a good bladder management routine for work you might eventually experience challenges. Many people with bladder issues find it stressful if their work requires business travelling or participating in courses away from the work place.  


Do I need to tell anyone?

Whether it’s relevant to talk about your situation or not depends on how much your condition influences your work. It’s not easy to talk to your boss about it but it may be better to do it before a difficult situation occurs, when you suddenly need to rush out in the middle of a meeting or task. You are not required to provide your boss with a lot of details about your situation. If your boss is the opposite gender to you, you might find it even more awkward. You don’t have to tell anyone anything that you're not comfortable with. If you have a close colleague that you trust, it might be a good idea to tell him or her in case of any emergencies. 


Your rights when you return after illness or surgery: 

The laws of most countries state that employers must make 'reasonable adjustments' that you might need in order to enable you to work again. If you are in a wheelchair, would it be appropriate to install a suitable bathroom or other necessary equipment? Maybe you need more flexible work hours too? Investigate which people are relevant to contact to arrange such adjustments. If you are in a large company, such questions are usually part of the duties of a human resource manager.