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How to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs)

There are a number of precautions that might help you prevent recurring urinary tract infections.

Get enough fluids

Everyone needs daily fluids to maintain their health. Drinking 6–8 glasses of fluids each day is the usual recommended amount, but it is not for everyone. You should first consult with your healthcare provider to determine the amount that is best for you based on your individual medical condition(s). Beverages containing caffeine (such as soft drinks, coffee, tea and some energy drinks) and artificial sweeteners are known bladder irritants and may need to be kept to a minimum. 


Drinking lots of water dilutes the urine and flushes bacteria out of the bladder. If you regularly empty your bladder as directed by your healthcare professional, you may remove urine with potential bacteria each time you catheterise. Make sure you drain the bladder completely each time. 

Maintain good personal hygiene 

Always wash your hands thoroughly, especially before you use your intermittent catheter. Also, carefully clean around the urethral opening before inserting the catheter. 


Bacteria from improper hand washing, or bacteria near the urethral opening, can be introduced into the urinary tract when using a catheter. 

Regularly empty your bladder completely
as prescribed by your healthcare professional.

Maintaining your catheterisation schedule may help to prevent of urinary tract infections. 


Staying on a regular schedule and emptying your bladder completely with intermittent catheterisation, reduces the amount of urine sitting in the bladder and the time that urine is left to sit stagnant in your bladder. Each time you catheterise you remove urine in the bladder along with any bacteria that may be present. 

Use a sterile catheter every time 

Use a new, sterile, well-lubricated (hydrophilic-coated or pre-lubricated) catheter every time you catheterise in order to reduce friction as you insert and remove your catheter. You may also want to discuss the number of catheters you are allowed each month with your GP or prescriber. 


A well-lubricated, (hydrophilic coated or pre-lubricated) catheter may make the process more comfortable and may lessen the friction during insertion and withdrawal of the catheter. 


Tip: Every once in a while, measure the amount of urine you empty. The goal is to keep the catheterised urine at a volume (400ml) which avoids overstretching the bladder and prevents leaking. If you empty more than this amount, ask your healthcare professional if you need to use intermittent catheterisation more often. 


Other advice 

Maintain a good bowel regime and avoid constipation 


Some people may benefit from drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry extract tablets, but there is no clear proof of efficacy. Always ask your healthcare professional before you take any supplements to make sure they don`t interact with any of your existing medications. 


If you have recurring infections, drink fluids as you have been directed, but try to eliminate known bladder irritants such as caffeinated drinks (coffee, soft drinks and energy drinks) as well as artificial sweeteners to see if it helps, as these items can cause irritation to the urethra. 


If you – despite all these precautions – still suffer from frequent UTIs, talk to your doctor. Women have a higher risk of UTIs. Read the extra precautions for women.